We help our clients to develop projects regarding analysis, modelling and implementation of strategies to walk towards energetic and climate transition. We offer five primary types of consultancies which are:

Electromobility and transport
- Location for fast charging stations
- Battery reuse proposal
- Integration of electric vehicles on distribution networks
- Impact of electrical public transport entry on electrical networks

Capacity Building
- Course and training about technical tools
- Analysis, stability and control of power systems
- Modelling and simulation of smart networks

- Decarbonization pathways
- Analysis of decarbonization plans
- Cost-benefit analysis of carbon neutrality and decarbonization
- Evaluation of decarbonization options

Energy Consulting
- Energy transition action plans
- Energy storage
- Energy consumption
- Simulation of electrical networks
- Technical studies on electrical networks
- Electricity distribution

Climate Change
- Development of adaptation and mitigation plans
- Analysis of climate variability and change
- Risk analysis of climate change
- Promoting climate resilience
- Mitigation of climate pollutants
At Climate Lead Group we design and provide training sessions for organizations, to help them acquire tools and knowledge to face the challenges of climate change and energy transition. These are designed according to the necessities and goals the organization has set to support energy, climate, decarbonization, electromobility, capacity building, and other related studies in Costa Rica and worldwide.
Our professionals specialize in:
- Climate Change
- Power System Modeling and Analysis
- DER Integration
- Electromobility